该团队现有核心研究人员36人,其中教授22人,博士36人,拥有海外和博士后经历的23人,45岁以下的20人。2011年以来,团队成员主持国家级项目30余项,其中,国家社科基金重大项目2项,省部级项目80余项,在《经济研究》《世界经济》《中国工业经济》等国内权威期刊发表cssci论文近300篇,多次被《新华文摘》《人大复印资料》《高等学校文科学术文摘》等转载,在《journal of comparative economics》等国外一流期刊发表scci论文10余篇,在国家社科基金《成果要报》刊发研究成果1篇,在中国人民大学出版社、湖南人民出版社等出版专著20余部。团队成员撰写的研究成果多次获得中央领导和部省级领导的肯定和批示,产生了较好的社会反响和政策效应。
an introduction to the political economics research team
the political economics research team was developed under the joint efforts of successive generations of team leaders such as yin shijie, zheng biqing, liu guibin, and liu changgeng. the current team leader is professor liu changgeng. through long-term research and accumulation and relying on the first-level doctoral programs in theoretical economics, mobile post-doctoral research stations in theoretical economics, and the master degree programs in theoretical economics, the team has obtained a series of related research results and gradually formed stable research orientations with distinct features and advantages including researches on income distribution, consumer economics, and rural economics. the team has won high recognition in the academic communit with great social influence and has achieved a relatively advantageous position in the same kind of researches across the country.
the team has 36 core researchers, including 22 professors and 36 doctors. there are 23 members with the experience of post-doctoral studies overseas,and 20 members of the team are under the age of 45. since 2011, the team members have undertaken more than 30 national-level research projects, including 2 major projects of the national social science foundation and more than 80 provincial projects. they have published nearly 300 research papers in domestic authoritative cssci source journals such as economic research journal, journal of world economy, and china industrial economics. many a time, some of the published papers were reprinted in xinhua digest, replicated materials of renmin university and academic abstract of liberal arts in higher education. they have also published more than 10 papers in the first-rate ssci source journals abroad such as journal of comparative economics. there is 1 paper published in important research reports sponsored by the national planning office of philosophy and social science. the team members have published more than 20 monographs in china renmin university press, and hunan people's publishing house, etc. the research results of the team have received affirmations and instructions from the central leadership and the provincial leadership many times, which indicates their good social response and policy effects.