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团队先后承担国家杰出青年科学基金、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点支持项目、中德科学基金国际合作研究项目、国家攀登计划子项目、973计划子项目、国家自然科学基金面上或青年项目、国家教委资助优秀年轻教师基金项目、国防科技重点实验室项目、教育部骨干教师基金项目等40余项。在numer. math., siam j. numer. anal., siam j. sci. comput., math comp, j. sci. comput., j. comput. phys.等发表sci论文200余篇。

团队负责人黄云清教授是国家杰出青年基金获得者、国家首批“万人计划”百千万工程领军人才、湖南省科技领军人才;兼任教育部高校数学类专业教指委副主任,中国工业与应用数学学会副理事长,湖南省数学会理事长;创办数学sci期刊《advances in applied mathematics and mechanics》并担任主编;获得湖南省自然科学一等奖、教育部自然科学奖一等奖、“冯康科学计算奖”等科研奖励,并受邀在2019年国际工业与应用数学大会上作大会邀请报告。团队成员杨银教授入选湖南省普通高校青年骨干教师培养对象、易年余副教授获全国优秀博士论文提名奖、蒋凯副教授获中国计算数学学会青年优秀论文一等奖、杨伟副教授获csiam青年学者奖。

research team for “efficient numerical methods for

several partial differential equations”of xiangtan university

mathematical models for a large number of problems are partial differential equation(s). their research needs to integrate modeling, algorithms, software development and computational simulation.under the leadership of professor yunqinghuang, xiangtan university's"efficient numerical methods for several partial differential equations" research teamhas been dedicated to presenting and studying efficient and robust numerical methods for solving various partial differential equations (groups), analyzing many computational methods theoretically and numerically, designing and developing corresponding numerical software for a long time. this team is mainly composed ofprofessoryunqing huang, yin yang, associate professor nianyu yi, wei yang, huayu wei, kai jiang, qin liang, and dr. yudu,xunlu,jianhuang.

research contents of the group include but are not limited to: adaptive methods for partial differential equations and its software development, high-precision algorithms for phase-field mathematical models, modeling and numerical simulation of electromagnetic fields in metamaterials, grid generation and optimization algorithms, efficient methods for fractional differential equations, modeling and calculation of liquid-polymers, and theoretical analysis and numerical simulations of quasicrystals.

the research team has undertakenmore than 40 projects such asthe national science fund for distinguished young scholars, the national natural science foundation of china majorproject, the national natural science foundation of great research plan, the sino-german science foundation of international cooperation research project,subprojectof the national climbing plan, subproject of the 973 program, national natural science foundation or youth project,the national education committee funded excellent teacher project, the national defense science and technology key laboratory project, and the ministry of education funded excellent teacher project.this teamhas publishedmore than 200 sci papers in numer. math., siam j. numer. anal., siam j. sci. comput., j. sci. comput., j. comput. phys.,etc.

prof. yunqing huang, the person in charge of the team, has won the national science fund for distinguished young scholars. he is alsothe leading talentsof the first batch of “ten thousand million project”, leading talents of hunan science and technology,deputy director of the mathematics instruction committee of the ministry of education, vice president of china society for industrial and applied mathematics,chair of hunan mathematical society.he has created and is the chief editor of the sci journal《advances in applied mathematics and mechanics》.he has also won the first class natural science award of the hunan province, the first class natural science award of the ministry of education, and the “feng kang scientific computing award”. he is invited to give a speech at the 2019 international conference of industrial and applied mathematics. the member professor yang yin is selected as the training target for young teachers in ordinary colleges and universities in hunan province. nianyuyi has won the national outstanding doctoral thesis nomination award. associate professor kai jiang has won the first prize for outstanding youth papers of the chinese society for computational mathematics.associate professor yang wei has won the csiam young scholar award.


